Call for Papers
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The ASAP conference covers the theory and practice of application-specific systems, architectures, and processors.
For the 2020 edition of ASAP, manuscripts in the following categories are especially welcomed:
- Sustainable Computing
- Neuromorphic Computing
- Technologies Beyond CMOS
General ASAP Topics of Interest
- Computer arithmetic
- Cryptography
- Compression
- Network processing
- Signal and image processing
- Reconfigurable computing (FPGAs, CGRAs, etc.)
- Application-specific instruction-set processors
- Hardware and reconfigurable accelerators
- Embedded systems and domain-specific solutions
- Approximate computing
- Heterogeneous computing, ranging from embedded to HPC systems and data centers
- Cloud computing infrastructures and acceleration
- Edge computing, wireless, mobile, and IoT systems
- Hardware and software architectures for Cyber-Physical Systems
- AI architectures, acceleration of machine learning (custom designs or based on FPGAs, GPUs, TPUs)
- Autonomous computing systems
- Design methods, tools, and compilers
- Simulation and prototyping (e.g., validation, performance analysis)
- System quality attributes (energy efficiency, fault tolerance, security, etc.)
- Accelerators for computational genomics, finance, big data, and other complex workloads
- Emerging technologies (e.g., quantum computing, optical computing or communication, 3D devices and interconnects, memristors for storage and logic, in-memory computing)
Important Dates
- Abstract due:
April 10th, AoE (closed)
- Paper due: April 24th, AoE (extended)
- Author notifications: May 20th
- Camera ready: June 15th
- Conference: July 6th-8th
Submissions must be done through Easychair.
All papers will be reviewed by at least three members of the program committee, with a double-blind review process. Manuscripts for full papers should not exceed 8 single-spaced, double-column pages using 10-point size font on 8.5x11 inch pages (IEEE conference style), including references, figures, and tables.
Manuscript for short papers should not exceed 4 single-spaced, double-column pages.
All papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format.
All accepted papers must provide a video presentation in order to be included in the proceedings and published in IEEE Xplore.
Selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version to a Special Issue in Springer Journal of Signal Processing Systems.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Policies
As safety and well-being of everybody is our priority, we are now planning for
an online conference while holding open the possibility of a physical conference.
We will monitor the Coronavirus situation and are continuing to bring together
the ASAP community in Manchester.
This means that all presentations will be made available as videos.
Further information will be provided on the website as soon as available.